Monday, January 9, 2012

Wake Up - February 24, 2011

While we were busy celebrating, then bickering on Article 2 and other side issues, certain busy bees were shredding important documents! Wake up and smell the coffee..

February 26, 2011

لاول مرة اتفق مع نوارة نجم احنا عمر ما حد فينا هيفكر فى حاجة وحشة من ناحية الجيش حتى لو داسنا بالدبابات مستحيل نهز هيبة وصورة الجيش المصرى مع اقتناعى التام ان احداث امبارح كانت مدبرة من فلول النظام القديم وامن الدولة

باختصار وأنا شاهد عيان على ماحدث فى ميدان التحرير ومعي كثير من الشباب الثقات المحترمين إن ماحدث من الجيش هو تجاوز بلاشك يحتاج غلى تفسير لكنه لايرتقى إلى مرحلة استخدام العنف المفرط أو تخوين الجيش أو الشائعات التى روجها الكثيرون

أرجوك انشر هذا الكلام فى أسرع وقت قبل أن تنتشر الأخبار الكاذبة والمبالغ فيها

I have (and want) to trust and believe, mashi with cautious optimism, but I just HAVE to. Otherwise we'd be living the biggest tamtheleya, the farce of the century or the mother of farces! Yes I want to be an ostrich, so shoot me... الشعب والجيش ايد واحدة

Everyone is and should be accountable for what they did, all the way up the chain of command, so that makes Nazif (PM) and Mubarak (President) accountable too! Please add the carcinogenic foodstuff, 40% of Egyptians under poverty line, corruption, mediocre education and health services, etc... In short mediocre quality of the average Egyptian! Yes, ZERO tolerance and never again كفاية بقى

First let's agree to disagree. Second let's agree that we're ALL 100% patriotic and love our country, irrespective of these disagreements. I'm sure we ALL have Egypt and Egyptians' interest at heart and want what's best. Third let's agree that no one should condescendingly claim they know the ultimate truth or that they know better than the other... I was listening to Ibrahim Eissa today and liked what he said. We have a revolution; it's a painfully confusing process and it takes time so we should be patient and determined. I too used to believe in the concept of the enlightened dictator (Mahathir?) but I can't bring myself to trust anyone with my destiny: absolute power corrupts. The next comment I know might get me into trouble but here goes :-) I supported the Revolution wholeheartedly and until now go to Tahrir as a show of solidarity to those determined to realize real, not cosmetic change. So it hurts me when there are voices attacking me and people like me for this, accusing us of encouraging these "spoilt" youth who are destroying the economy beyond recovery. My friends, unless we purify the system we won't have a solid foundation on which to build any economy! We need purification from corruption to become the great nation we all deserve. Do you think we're enjoying this? But it plants seeds of doubt within me, the what ifs... So here is what I do: every night I pray ركعتين تضرعا لوجه الله تعالى وشكرا على نعمته أننا حققنا كل هذه المكاسب، وأن يقينا شر الفتن وأن يولي علينا خيارنا ولا يولي علينا شرارنا My conscience is therefore clear because I'm doing my best. And while we're at it I don't want to change Article 2 :)

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