Friday, January 13, 2012

Women's March - December 21, 2011

Just came back from the Women's March.. It was an uplifting experience to say the least.. And it goes to prove this fact: Egyptian women of all ages, of all backgrounds are just GREAT! And the shabab and men made a tight contour on both sides to protect us.. The maseera represented Egypt, we were all there: Muslims, Christians, conservative, liberal, mo7agabat and not mo7agabat, rich and poor, educated and not so educated.. and we were ONE.. ONE voice, ONE chant:
بنات مصر..خط أحمر
مصر يا أم.. بناتك أهم.. مصر يا أم.. ستاتك أهم
عيش.. حرية.. كرامة إنسانية
It was a great experience.. تحيا مصر

بالمناسبة كدة على الماشي برضة نحب ننوه إن النهاردة ستاتك يا مصر دبحوا القطة والكلام ليكي يا جارة ياللي بتقولي قال إيه إن الستات ما تسوقش قال.. بجد ضحكتوني

قطع إيدك
This is the picture that many of us held today in the Women's March..

 قطع إيدك
قطع إيدك
قطع إيد اللي ينتهك حرمة الأبية
قطع إيدك
قطع إيد اللي يضرب بنت الأكابر العلية
قطع إيدك
قطع إيد اللي ينجس حرمة جسد الشريفة البهية
قطع إيدك
قطع إيد أي حد يمد إيده على مصري أو مصرية

Today was OUR day.. not sure about tomorrow or the day after.. but it was a nice break, a little hard-earned, well-deserved reward.. The Revolution is targeted by many, albeit for different reasons, and it's not a fair fight because we still don't know who's hitting us in the dark. We sink into depression and despair but we still cling to that last thread of hope. So let us hope my against all odds.. Let us hope

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